
It has been a really crazy week for me. Yesterday was the topper though. A week of playing at the park in the rain, having the cable installed, watching my grandson for 4 days and writing, I came down with some serious heat sickness on Wednesday.

I am getting better, but took quite a bit of time to sleep today. I had been feeling a bit off for a few days before the heat hit us, but when it did, I was not at all a happy soul.

Demanding little munchkins rocked my house while I was ill and had me running in all directions; not good. Of course their mom was too busy demanding herself to realize that Grandma was not at all well.

Today, I am feeling much better. My friend and I talked for a long time and it was wonderful to hear from him. I was thinking it was a really lovely day, despite the crumby weather outside and then my daughter showed up at my door with Champagne roses for me, for "no reason". I was awed.

It turned out to be quite a lovely day.

I'm taking a little time to "chill"(pun definitely intended).


Copyright ©2009 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.


•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Take a well deserved rest, Michele, and enjoy the flowers your daughter gave you!

Glynis Peters said...

I hope you feel a little more rested soon. How lovely to receive the roses. :)

Joanne Olivieri said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Take it easy.

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